Wish Dragon is an upcoming computer-animated comedy film written and directed by Chris Applehans. Produced by Columbia Pictures, Sony Pictures Animation, Tencent Pictures, Base FX, Beijing Sparkle Roll Media Corporation, the Flagship Entertainment Group and Boss Collaboration, the film will star Jackie Chan (who is also producing the film), Constance Wu, John Cho, Will Yun Lee, Jimmy Wong, and Bobby Lee.
The characters will be voiced in both the Chinese and English releases of the film.
The film is set to be released in 2020 by Sony Pictures Releasing in China and the United States.
The story is "a genie-in-a-bottle retelling set in contemporary China", based on an original story by Chris Applehans (who will also direct the film). "The modern-day fairy tale picks up the moral challenges that emerge from the encounter between a boy and a dragon who is able to make wishes come true."
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