"Twisters," directed by Lee Isaac Chung and written by Mark L. Smith, is a thrilling 2024 sequel to the 1996 classic "Twister." The film follows Kate Cooper, played by Daisy Edgar-Jones, a former storm chaser turned meteorologist, who is drawn back to the open plains by her friend Javi, portrayed by Anthony Ramos, to test a groundbreaking new tracking system. There, she encounters the charismatic and reckless Tyler Owens, a social media storm-chasing superstar played by Glen Powell. As unprecedented and terrifying weather phenomena unfold, Kate, Tyler, and their teams find themselves in a life-or-death struggle against converging storm systems over central Oklahoma.
With a strong cast and spectacular visual effects, "Twisters" excels as a summer blockbuster, capturing the excitement of storm chasing through high-energy performances and jaw-dropping action sequences. While it avoids relying on nostalgia and political issues, it introduces new characters and narratives, offering a fresh take on the original premise. Despite lacking some of the charm and authenticity of the 1996 film, "Twisters" stands out for its captivating action, engaging performances, and immersive experience, making it a highly enjoyable watch. Overall, it delivers a fun and adrenaline-pumping experience, earning a strong 9 out of 10.
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