"Smile 2" is a chilling follow-up to the original, centering on pop star Skye Riley, played by Naomi Scott, as she prepares for a major comeback tour. After witnessing the gruesome suicide of a drug dealer under the curse's influence, Skye's life quickly spirals into chaos. Haunted by terrifying hallucinations and eerie smiling figures, she becomes increasingly paranoid and isolated, leading to violent outbursts and disturbing encounters. Naomi Scott delivers a standout performance, portraying Skye's breakdown with raw intensity, while the film builds on the original's atmosphere of dread with even more elaborate scares and disturbing body horror.
Although the sequel offers a more intense and visually unsettling experience, it doesn't add much to the mythology of the curse, relying heavily on jump-scares and familiar plot devices from the first film. Still, it succeeds in creating a tense and horrifying atmosphere, with a final act full of mind-bending hallucinations and shocking moments. Director Parker Finn maintains the creepy, disturbing tone that made the first film successful, and Scott's performance elevates the film, making it a solid horror experience.
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