One of Them Days is a delightful throwback to classic 90s comedies, following the chaotic escapades of best friends Dreux and Alyssa, played by Keke Palmer and SZA. When their rent money disappears, the duo embarks on a wild journey to avoid eviction, encountering a series of hilarious and absurd obstacles that test their friendship. The film balances slapstick humour with heartfelt moments, while cleverly satirising economic struggles in a way that feels relatable and refreshing. Palmer and SZA shine in their roles, with impeccable comedic timing and chemistry that anchors the story.
While the film's reliance on familiar stereotypes occasionally makes it feel like a sitcom, One of Them Days remains a thoroughly enjoyable watch. Director Lawrence Lamont blends raucous comedy with an emotional core, giving the film a nostalgic charm that's been missing from the genre in recent years. It may not push boundaries, but its lighthearted approach and authentic performances make it a fun, feel-good comedy that will leave audiences smiling.
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